Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World, Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom's latest book, "Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World," delves into the profound questions of our civilization's trajectory. In an exclusive interview, Bostrom discusses the urgency behind his work, the concept of living in a fool’s paradise, and the transformative impact of artificial general intelligence (AGI). As Bostrom explains, the superficial nature of our understanding of technological progress compelled him to publish his insights now, ideally before the singularity alters our reality irrevocably. His reflections offer a blend of philosophical musings and pragmatic foresight, making this a must-read for anyone intrigued by the future of humanity and technology. Hi Nick, so why did you write this book… now? Nick Bostrom : It seemed embarrassing that our thinking about where our technological civilization is trying to get to was so superficial.   As for why now, well,...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: May 21, 2024

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How many more suicides will it take to make an iPhone?

Suicides, excessive overtime, and hostility and violence on the factory floor in China. Drawing on vivid testimonies from rural migrant workers, student interns, managers and trade union staff, Dying for an iPhone is a devastating expose allowing us to assess the impact of global capitalism’s deepening crisis on workers. Interview with co-author Mark Selden. Hi Mark, so why did you write this book… now? Mark Selden: One important stimulus for my collaboration with Jenny Chan and colleagues was the suicides of eighteen Chinese rural migrant workers at the Foxconn factories in China in 2010, calling into question the pristine image of both Foxconn and Apple in making our iPhones, and, indeed, Chinese and American capital in the new global economy. Foxconn, a Taiwanese multinational corporation founded in 1974, had risen to become the largest electronics employer with more than 1,000,000 workers in...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, China, Interview    Date: March 7, 2024

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Make strategy the rule, not the exception

Dive into this enlightening conversation with Jeroen Kraaijenbrink, author of "The One-Hour Strategy," as he challenges traditional strategy-making and offers a novel approach that engages everyone in an organization. Learn about his unique insights and what drives him to redefine strategy as we know it. Hello Jeroen , so why did you write this book… now? Jeroen Kraaijenbrink: My reason to write this book is the urgent need to change the way we think about and do strategy. Traditionally, strategy is a top-down board room activity, based on predictive analysis and separated from execution. Decades of research has consistently shown that this way of working is highly ineffective. Yet, many organizations stick to it, causing a lot of wasted potential, frustration and failure. It does not have to be like this. In “The One-Hour Strategy,” I outline a novel approach to strategy that engages literally...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: December 7, 2023

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How Founderz is disrupting business education

With Founderz, Pau Garcia-Mila is literally disrupting the training industry by stepping into the gap left between elite training courses and the non-degree courses proliferating online. To better understand this winning strategy, which has already won him the backing of giants such as Microsoft, we interviewed him? Hi Pau, what problem do you propose to solve with your company? Pau Garcia-Mila: When we began this project, we recognized a dramatic shift in education – especially in business training. We saw two main options: either traditional business schools with rich educational heritage but steep price tags, accessible to only a select few; or online platforms offering videos, yet lacking guarantees on employability or genuine learning. We aimed to bridge this gap. Our mission is to provide high-quality education accessible to everyone, through innovative programs that are more affordable than typical...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: September 26, 2023

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Geoffrey Moore crosses the chasm between the non-existence of God and God’s creation of the world

In a departure from his tech-strategy roots, Geoffrey Moore tackles the grand questions of human existence in his new book, "The Infinite Staircase: What the Universe Tells Us About Life, Ethics, and Mortality." Using an interdisciplinary approach, Moore builds a metaphorical ladder from the Big Bang to daily ethical decisions. Today, we sit down with him to explore this intellectual odyssey and its implications for our secular age. Stay tuned. Hi Geoffrey, so why did you write this book… now? For all my adult life I have embraced a worldview based on secular metaphysics (the Big Bang, evolution, etc.) while at the same time sought to live in accordance with values based on Christian ethics. The nagging question for me was always, if there is no God, what authorizes those ethics? I did not want to abandon them, but I also did not want to abandon the secular narrative of how the universe came to be. So, this...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: August 28, 2023

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When it comes to technology, there is no shortage of exciting things in the horizon

With the context of an economic historian and the on-the-ground insights of an active technology investor, Perelmuter’s Present Future brings readers to the bleeding edge of the science and technologies poised to revolutionize the 21st century. Comprehensive and yet enthralling, the book is a must-read for anyone who has an intellectual or commercial interest in what the future may hold.”   Hi Guy Perelmuter, so why did you write this book… now? Guy Perelmuter : The very purpose of my book is twofold. First, to overthrow this myth that we are “living a period of change.” The entire history of civilization is all about change—and, more than that, about technological change. This is what defines us as a species, this is what propels us forward. Change is coming faster and faster, that’s for sure—and it will likely accelerate even more. And second, to highlight and explain not...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Interview    Date: March 31, 2023

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Let’s expand workers’ control over their lives, both at work and off-duty

Many employers minutely regulate workers' speech, clothing, and manners on the job, and employers often extend their authority to the off-duty lives of workers, who can be fired for their political speech, recreational activities, diet, and almost anything else employers care to govern. In this compelling book, Elizabeth Anderson examines why, despite all this, we continue to talk as if free markets make workers free, and she proposes a better way to think about the workplace, opening up space for discovering how workers can enjoy real freedom. Hi Elisabeth, so why did you write this book… now? Elizabeth Anderson : Since the 1980s, when I was in graduate school, labor issues have been neglected in the U.S.  The rise of neoliberal policies crushed organized labor in the U.S.  Now only about 6% of private sector workers in the U.S. are represented by a labor union.   As a result,...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Interview    Date: March 24, 2023

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Will you love an invitation to rethink tired notions of product marketing and practice a more dynamic, customer and market-centric version?

Drawing inspiration from the giants of Silicon Valley (Apple, Netflix, Microsoft and Salesforce), the author of LOVED shows us the way to an inspiring and innovative product policy thanks to four easy-to-remember fundamentals: ambassador - strategist - storyteller - evangelist. Martina Lauchengco shares with us the "recipes" of successful brands: tell a story before the launch of a product, which the consumer will appropriate to preach the good word and "recruit" brand ambassadors. Interview. Hi Martina Lauchengco, why did you write this book… now? Martina Lauchengco: I kept seeing product marketing getting confused with its outputs (launches, product collateral, sales enablement) rather than its core intent: to drive product adoption by shaping market perception through strategic marketing activities that meet business goals. I wanted people to understand what best-practice...


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: February 21, 2023

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Why Community is the Last Great Marketing Strategy

Is community the last great marketing strategy? Mark Schaefer answers yes in his last book Belonging to Brand. He explains why community is a massively overlooked marketing opportunity for most organizations and how three major trends collide in a way that makes brand communities the future of marketing strategy. Interview. Hi Mark, so why did you write this book… now?  Mark W. Schaefer: I have a good track record of discerning marketing trends and discussing them before others. To me, there are three mega-trends colliding right now that point to community as the next big thing in marketing. Coincidentally, the day I wrote the last words of the book, McKinsey came out with a major research report stating that community is the next trend to watch in marketing, so that was a mic drop moment for me! When I have these big ideas and I'm sure I'm right, then I need to get this out into...


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: January 19, 2023

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A Digital Marketer Walks into a Bar… and asks the first person they see to marry them

When the world's biggest brands want to sharpen their digital marketing strategy, they call Neil Hoyne – Google's Chief Measurement Strategist and Senior Fellow at the Wharton School. In his first book "Converted", he offers a simple, research-backed playbook that anyone can use to find their best customers and develop relationships that last. Interview. Hi, Neil. So why did you write this book now? Neil Hoyne: Hi! I wrote it because my experiences in marketing—all the advertisers I helped get the most out of their digital marketing, all the stories I heard—pointed to a problem. Customers are the most important thing to any business, but especially during the pandemic, most companies have lost touch with them.For airlines and hotels, with customers on lockdown: Will they ever come back and fly or stay with us again?For car companies that found themselves short of inventory: Are the people who...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: January 17, 2023

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The future leader is now the present day leader

Jacob Morgan personally interviewed over 140 CEOs globally from companies like Unilever, Audi, Mastercard, Best Buy, Oracle, Verizon... to answer that question: Will the leader of the next decade be that different than the leader of today? And if so, how? These were the two questions that Jacob Morgan sought out to explore in his groundbreaking new book The Future Leader. Interview. Hi Jacob Morgan , so why did you write this book… now? Jacob Morgan: I wrote, The Future Leader in 2020 just as COVID-19 was becoming a pandemic. The book is even more relevant now then when it was at the time of release. In fact, one of the greatest learnings from the book is that the future leader is now the present day leader. Meaning the skills and mindsets that I talk about in the book are crucial to practice now! An extract from your book that best represents yourself? Great leaders change the...


Posted By: Bertrand Jouvenot    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: January 4, 2023

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It’s an exciting time to be a citizen developer

The workplace has been depending on technology for decades. But supply and demand for techies are out of whack. Fortunately, thanks to powerful new tools and a new breed of employees, organizations are finally fulfilling critical business needs and reducing their reliance on pricey software developers. Big dive into the No Code world with Phil Simon, the author of Low-Code/No-Code. Hi Phil, why did you write this book? I wrote Low-Code/No-Code: Citizen Developers and the Surprising Future of Business Applications for several reasons. First, it’s an increasingly important trend. Second, there were only a handful of books out on the subject when I started writing. I felt like I could make a meaningful contribution to the field—one with plenty of research, case studies, analysis,  and synthesis. I was looking to write a complementary text to my last two books,  Reimagining Collaboration...


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: November 14, 2022

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We must treat change like an opportunity and not like something to avoid

The moments of greatest change can also be the moments of greatest opportunity. Adapt more quickly and use the power of change to your advantage with Build for Tomorrow the book from the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine: Jason Feifer. We cannot anticipate tomorrow’s needs, but it shouldn’t take a crisis to push us forward. This book will show you how to make change on your own terms. Interview. Hi Jason, so why did you write this book… now? Jason Feifer: I’ve spent years studying how the most successful people navigate change, because I believe it’s the most important skill that drives success. I came to discover that everyone experiences change in four phases — Panic, Adaptation, New Normal, and Wouldn’t Go Back. That last part is the most important: It’s when we have something so new and valuable that we say, “I wouldn’t want to go back to a time before I had it.” This is...


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: September 2, 2022

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Want to make more creative, flexible, and impactful decisions in a world of competing demands

For many of us, competing and interwoven demands are a source of conflict. How can we each express our individuality while also being a team player? How do we balance work and life? How can we manage the core business while innovating for the future? In Both/And Thinking, Wendy K. Smith and Marianne Lewis help us cope with and transform these tensions into opportunities for innovation and personal growth. Hi Marianne, so why did you write this book… now? Marianne Lewis: Leaders experience tensions most under conditions of change and scarcity, and as stakeholder pressures vary. Today’s business conditions – really, our life conditions – are the ‘perfect storm’ for tensions. Caught in so many tug-of-wars, it’s not surprising that we hear ‘both/and thinking’ becoming a bit of a mantra. All kinds of people talk about the value of AND – world leaders, CEOs, authors, scientists and poets....


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: August 14, 2022

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New normal is a unique opportunity to rethink why and how we work

Hybrid and remote work is here to stay. What will it take for your company to succeed in the new normal? Building a workplace culture strong enough to thrive at a distance doesn't happen by chance, but by design. In Remote Not Distant, meticulously researched book, top culture thought leader Gustavo Razzetti provides a roadmap to understand, adapt to, and succeed in a hybrid workplace, investigating the leading edges of this revolution, including Amazon, Slack, GitLab, Volvo, and Microsoft, to name just a few. The lessons are simple yet stunning. Interview. Hi Gustavo Razzetti, so why did you write this book… now? Gustavo Razzetti : I wanted to encourage teams and leaders to embrace this unique opportunity to rethink why and how we work. The conversation around hybrid is flawed, often getting stuck in the location aspect (office versus remote), creating a damaging narrative. Writing this book...


Posted By:    Category: Blog, Interview    Date: July 19, 2022

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