When CEOs and Presidents Clash: The Hidden Power Struggles Shaping America
January 14, 2025
Brendan Kane: Well, I really feel that there is people all over the world that have the ability to transform it in a positive way and most of these people are just struggling to get their voices to be heard. They are either being suppressed or their voices are not being heard because they just don’t have the strategy, the knowhow because we live in a world where there are 60 billion messages sent out on digital platforms each day. It is a very, very know easy and oversaturated world. So, oftentimes the people that are brilliant and have amazing solutions or messages that could have a positive impact on the world are just not being heard. So, that’s why I created the book.
B.K. : I think that that would probably come from the book that I just released of Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3 Second World. Because I really dive into my journey and how I started and just really providing transparency of like how I got to where I got and the trials and tribulations with it.
B.K. : Great question, what trends do I believe in? I think that one of the trends I really love that we see a lot of data that supports, that it is working is narrative type content is where you are telling a story to express the message that you want to share. That is a trend that we see performing very well on social platforms and with the algorithms because it is building retention and making people spend more time with the content, spend more time…
Spending more time with the content message which gives the algorithms more reach which obviously does well for people because it gives them more distribution. But at the same time I think it is an effective technique to get people to pay attention to what you have to say and share your true genius and message.
B.K. : Constantly be testing, constantly be learning. I see so many people give up so quickly when something doesn’t work or maybe they try 10 things and it doesn’t work or 50 things and it doesn’t work. Just keep pushing, keep testing, understand this is a marathon, it is not a sprint. You know that is where true success comes from.
B.K. : So, it is really expressed in my second book Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3- Second World, in that we live in this micro attention world and you have got to find unique ways to stand out so people will pay attention to what you have to say because the world is super noisy. There was a stat with Forbes that was really interesting, in the Forbes article they say that the average person is exposed to between 4000 and 10,000 ads a day. So, if that’s true most people are actually ignoring between 4000 and 10,000 ads a day. There is really only probably one or two on a daily basis that people remember, if that. So, for people that are trying to stand out and build their brand they have really got to focus on how do I gain attention? That is the biggest asset that somebody can have in their career or building their brand or releasing a product or service or just putting their message out in the world is grabbing attention. That is the number one asset that people should really focus on learning.
Many thanks Brendan Kane
Many thanks Bertrand
The book : One Million Followers, Brendan Kan, BenBella Books, 2018.